Cookie Policy 

Identità is committed to being fully transparent and to providing you with the necessary information about the use of cookies when you visit this Portal. We strive not to collect any personal information about you as a visitor unless you provide it voluntarily through the online forms. When you do use the online forms, any data submitted is treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small piece of data that a website asks your browser to store as text strings on your computer’s hard disk. All cookies are set with expiry dates which determine how long they reside on your browser. Generally, cookies can be:

  • rejected by default through cookie blockers and the settings on some browsers;
  • removed automatically after the lapse of the expiry date if they have not been blocked in the first place; or
  • deleted manually by the user through either the browser settings, a locally-installed cleanup software, or by deleting the cookies file or folder of the specific browser that the user is using.

Which types of cookies does this Portal utilise?

This Portal makes use of the below cookies: 

  • __ga - Issued by Google to pseudonymously identify users
  • __cf_bm - Issued by Cloudflare to determine when best to cache/purge a page
  • SECSESSID / PHPSESSID - Issued by Advanced Telecommunications Limited, being the supplier engaged by IMA to develop the portal to track the active session id (used interchangeably)

None of the cookies contain any personal identifiable information. Personal information is stored in the database and in some instances in sessions (only readable by the server).

How can I delete or disable cookies?

If your browser is NOT configured, by default, to block all or certain cookies, you may manually configure your browser to either reject all cookies or control which cookies are set on your device through this Portal. You may also install any trustworthy third-party browser extension or add-in of your choice that can block and provide information on such cookies. You may find all the necessary information on how to make the necessary configuration settings by visiting the following site:

You’re always free to block, delete or disable these cookies if your browser or device so permits. However, if you decline cookies, you will not be able to use the Portal for the submission and completion of the online application.




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